Why Choose Max Data Ltd, Inc?
01. better, smarter reporting solution
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The call center has evolved into the modern, multi-channel contact center, it’s become increasingly difficult to gain a solid performance. The multiple systems spread across multiple locations. The unstructured data is unusable in its
raw form. It’s the need to make sense of the enormous data that grows in size and complexity every day.
Facing this challenge, most contact centers need a better, smarter reporting solution. Our historical and real-time reporting breaks down to give full visibility across the contact center—and across the entire organization.
Our reporting solution is intuitive with the key performance indicators (KPIs) and data visualizations that everyone in the organization can easily understand.
02. analyze key performance indicators (KPIs)
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The call center needs to analyze
key performance indicators (KPIs) and it is crucial when assessing the effectiveness and efficiency. It is often not so clear is which contact center metrics
should be measured and tracked and we will help with that.
The percentage of inbound callers that received the busy tone due to there are no available agents and no call queues configured and callers hear a busy tone when they call or are
routed directly to voicemail.
We will ensure your callers’ wait time is within an acceptable range and we help to keep track of average time in queue. This is a major indicator if your team is providing their
callers with the service they deserve.
The percentage of callers who hang up before reaching an agent. This has an impact on customer retention. We will make sure that it remains below a target threshold.
Service level (SLA) is the percentage of calls answered within a specified number of seconds. We can display this KPI in real-time,
dashboard and historical reporting, so you can make data-driven decisions that will have an impact on keeping this KPI within an acceptable range.
The average speed of answer (ASA) is the average time it takes for calls to be answered in the call center during a specific time
frame. This includes time spent waiting in a queue and while the agent’s phone rings. The calculation we make will include the time it takes to navigate through every single leg of the call in Queue(s) and Virtual Queue(s).
The calculation might also include navigating through the IVR. This KPI is referencing by assessing the team's efficiency and degree of accessibility to the callers.
Average handle time (AHT) is the elapsed time from when an agent answers a call until the agent disconnects. We can provide AHT on the Queue & Virtual Queue level as well. This KPI
is directly related to caller satisfaction.
Average After Call Work Time is when an agent’s work does not end when they finish a call. This time an agent spends completing a transaction after the caller has disengaged. Managers
often seek to reduce after call work so that they can maximize the time their team spends interacting with customers while they are on the clock. We can provide you this KPI with real-time and historical reporting.
First call resolution is another KPI that is related to customer satisfaction. It is the percentage of calls that the agent completely addresses the caller’s needs without having to
transfer, escalate or return the call. We provide this KPI because it is related to a customer’s level of satisfaction.
Customer satisfaction is a KPI typically arrives at a customer satisfaction score by conducting customer surveys as well as obtaining quality assurance measurements. We use this KPI to
analyze call center effectiveness and efficiency.
The Occupancy rate measures the time agents are on live calls as well as completing work associated with the calls. We help to optimize occupancy rates by including the agent's
workload and agent's stress when setting targets for this KPI.
The average time of abandonment (ATA) is the percentage of inbound phone calls made to a call center outsourcing company and eventually abandoned by customers before getting connected
to agents. Longer is the waiting time or hold time, higher is the rate of abandonment. The reputation of the company can saddle down with the reputation of the company resultant lost sales opportunities. A large percentage
of call abandonment can negatively impact the success of the company and the company providing call center services. We will make sure this KPI will be traced and accurately calculated.
03. boost your inbound or outbound sales
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We are eager to boost your inbound or outbound sales. We will help you with an efficient way to track your contact
center metrics and monitor customer service performance.
04. well-organized reporting practices
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The contact centers have evolved far from their early days. In today’s omni-channel contact centers monitoring performance can be challenging.
Contact center monitoring challenges include:
We tackle these challenges with our smart reporting solutions and well-organized reporting practices.
We put your contact center reporting shines light to what is happening across your contact center.
We convert the raw data coming into your contact center into key performance indicators (KPIs)
based on the criteria you’ve set up according to your strategic goals.
05. real-time dashboards
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Our reporting gives you real-time dashboards, historical reports, customer journey insights, and predictive analytics.
With it, you can track performance, optimize processes and make changes based on data.